I’m humbled & excited to be part of a research team of industry peers. My colleague Matthew, a multi-path coach & consultant, & I started to explore the optimum conditions for welcoming, inclusive creative spaces last month. Jack, a student looking for D&I experience & Yasodha, co-founder of ‘All-hands Together’ Singapore now living in the UK, supporting neurodivergent individuals have since joined the team. Whist we have only met remotely it feels like the universe brought us all together at the right time!
We will soon be launching the research gathering phase of our ‘Inclusive Creative Environments Project’. Initially we are aiming for 1:1 conversations with ~100 people whose role or scope includes creativity and asking a series of questions, around the conditions (emotional, behavioural and physical) for effective creative work across real-world and screen-based environments? and how might we ensure these environments allow neurotypical and neurodiverse people to flourish?
If you want to know more and/or creativity is part of your role or scope and you would be interested in assisting on the project/ research contact Gillian.burgis@henigancg.com